How is GADN funded?

GADN does not take funding from the UK Government or any other official donor. This enables us to stay independent, and maintain our strong track record of influencing the UK Government and international institutions on women’s rights.

Funding sources 2022-2023

In 2022-23, GADN received funding for our work on feminist macroeconomics from:

Additionally, GADN received core funding from the following sources in 2022-23:

  • Membership subscriptions and donations

  • Members’ core grants

  • GW Cadbury Trust

Annual Accounts

GADN Annual Accounts detail where our income comes from, and how we’ve spent it. Our Trustees are responsible for preparing these reports in keeping with the law and UK Accounting Standards.


📷 GADN former staff: L-R Leila Mani Lundi, Natasha Piette Basheer, Marion Sharples, Francesca Rhodes, Olivia Jenkins, Laura Aznar Herranz (June 2019)